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Monthly Archives: February 2024

  1. Love Your Washing Machine: Tips & Tricks for A Longer Lifespan

    Love Your Washing Machine: Tips & Tricks for A Longer Lifespan

    Did you know that properly maintaining your washing machine can extend its lifespan, and thus protect your investment? Since we’re all about saving you money wherever possible, we’ve come up with a few tips and tricks on how you can take care of your washing machine.

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  2. Enjoy Valentine's Day At Home


    Look, if we’re being honest — Valentine’s Day is way too expensive, especially while still recovering from December and January’s festivities. So, we’ve done our research and tried to find the best at-home date night ideas for Valentine’s Day (you’re welcome). Check out our list of ways to enjoy the perfect V-Day rendezvous in the comfort of your home while saving you money for the things that really matter.

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  3. Dorm Room Essentials On A Budget

    Dorm Room Essentials On A Budget

    We know that starting varsity can be hard, but we’re here to make it easier on both your stress levels and budget so that you can make the most out of life on res. Check out our list of budget-friendly must-haves for your dorm room.

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