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Frequently Asked Questions

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Our staff and our stores are 100% compliant with the health and safety regulations required of our organization so that you, our valued Customer, will be safe. While some procedures might take a little bit of extra time and seem unnecessary, we strive to maintain a high standard of service whilst taking all precautions to keep everyone safe.



Are all staff being screened?

Yes, temperature scanning takes place when staff arrive for work


Do you only take temperatures?

No, we also complete a list of questions asked related to symptoms of the virus


Does everyone have to wear a mask?

Yes, all staff, customers and any other person that enters a store must wear a mask


Must everyone sanitize their hands?

Yes, staff and customers sanitize with the sanitizer we provide


Do you allow staff to be in the store when showing symptoms?

No, staff are not allowed if they show any of the symptoms


Is there social distancing in stores?

Yes, areas are clearly marked indicating the legislated 1,5 metres


May I collect goods at your store?

Yes, although we encourage delivery rather to make sure your brand new items are delivered safely and sanitized


Can I order online and get my goods delivered?

Yes, we can deliver anywhere in the country.


Will you collect my goods at my home if it needs to be repaired?

Yes, we will and the goods will be sanitized and wrapped before being removed


Does the sanitizer used in store comply with the regulations?

Yes, all our products used are approved by the health organizations


If you deliver, are the items sanitized?

Yes, all products, both going out to our customers and coming into our store, is sanitized


How do you minimize the potential spread of the virus on your premises?

All equipment, general areas (such as kitchens) and work surfaces are cleaned after use or every hour.


Do you provide training for your staff?

Yes, we train ongoing to ensure our staff comply with the regulations


What is the process when you deliver?

The delivery agent will do the following:

  • Ask if the goods must be delivered inside your house
  • As our customer, you have the choice to ask that the goods be left outside for you to take inside, or be taken into your house for you
  • The delivery agent will ask if there is someone in the house that has tested positive or is currently in quarantine; in this case they will not enter your premises if you provide information that is contrary to their safety.
  • We do not assemble goods during this time
  • Delivery agents will wear face masks and sanitize their hands and vehicles ongoing.
  • Use your own pen when signing documents or the delivery agent will sanitize their pen before you sign.


What happens when staff show possible symptoms?

We ensure that the protocols are followed as stipulated by the health regulations.


What do we do to protect our staff:

  • Our staff informs us prior to coming to work if they show any symptoms, if any we do not allow them to come in.
  • Once our staff arrives at stores we ensure social distancing of 1.5 meters apart with clearly marked directions.
  • At entering the store their temperature is taken, if over 37.5 degrees they stand aside and get tested again.
  • If over again they are requested to go home
  • Any symptoms related to covid 19 we do not allow our staff to enter the store.
  • Staff are requested to visit a doctor and go for further screening
  • At big centers the group does have mobile screening units
  • Before they enter our staff sanitize their hands
  • A register is completed where we keep track of our staff
  • We audit procedures in our stores.
  • Staff are required to wear masks and face shields whilst at work
  • The company provides our staff with the necessary protective wear
  • Staff`s temperature is taken every 4 hours.
  • All sanitizing products are supplied by the company and bought from reputable suppliers.
  • Sanitizing products are approved by the health and safety act
  • Kitchen and bathroom areas are sanitized
  • Information is provided where we keep our staff informed and remind them of hygiene
  • Staff are trained at regular intervals.


How do we protect you our customer:

  • We keep a record of compliance to show any institution proof that we comply
  • Customers are required to keep social distancing of 1.5 meters as clearly marked
  • Customers are required to wear a mask and sanitize their hands prior to entering our stores
  • Only a certain number of people are allowed in our store which is indicated on our window fronts
  • All trading and compliance certificates are displayed on the front window to give our customers peace of mind
  • Inside our stores, social distancing is monitored
  • Areas are clearly marked to keep the 1.5 meter distance
  • All desks and chairs are sanitized after every contact made by customers
  • Alternatively, every hour, all work stations and equipment gets cleaned, such as key pads of banking machines, telephones, computers etc
  • Public areas are cleaned every hour on the hour.


What precautions do we take when goods come in and out of our store:

  • All goods are sanitized prior to leaving the store
  • All suppliers and service providers are scanned, hands sanitized and wear masks before they are allowed in our store
  • Strict measures on sanitization of customer goods for repair are in place
  • Delivery contractor temperature is scanned each time they enter the store 
  • Delivery agents sanitize their vehicles in the morning and after every delivery.


How do we take care of the goods you purchased when delivering to your home:

  • Delivery agents sanitize their hands on arrival at your home
  • We suggest that you use your own pen to sign document alternatively the agent will sanitize the pen in front of you
  • You will be asked if you need the agent to take the products into your home or leave it outside
  • We will not assemble any product during this time
  • When taking the goods into your home the agent will ask if someone inside has tested positive for covid 19 or if someone is under quarantine
  • Should the answer be yes the agent may not take the items inside


 In the unlikely event of any Covid-19 positive case being proven, we will immediately close the Store and prepare it for the necessary sanitization clean and follow legislated regulations.

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